La Mirandola in Chianti a Buy Wine 2018

La Mirandola in Chianti a Buy Wine 2018


Alaphridus 2016 is back in the wine tasting list after a few gap years.

Buy Wine is an important showcase and meeting point for producers and buyers, the occasion to tell what’s behind a wine. “I’m not a salesperson – tells Lorenzo Scala, patron of La Mirandola nel Chianti – but I’m a producer”. I take part to this event to stand up for it, to show the hands that cultivate, harvest and process the grapes that give life to these wines, to tell the peculiarities of my wines and why they are different one each other”. Lorenzo’s passion is born from the desire to build something on the foundations laid by his grandfather in this corner of Tuscany. “I studied something else but then I felt like my life and my life ideals could take shape only through this project. I will present 2 Chianti Classico wines to Buy Wine, Picus and La Mirandola, and 2 IGT wines, Alaphridus 2016 and Buteo. Presenting our Alapharidus 2016 is particularly touching for me: we only produce it in the best vintages and this is the first time in years. I will be there to tell about my work and illustrate the aroma and the flavour of each one of my wines. Maybe I’m not a good seller but I have no doubts about the quality of my products. I’m sure that those who will come and meet me at Buy Wine will understand it just looking me in the eyes and tasting our wines. Each vintage, as well as each wine, is different. It’s important to respect this and to be able to welcome the unpredictability of nature in order to transmute its potentials into unique high-quality nectars”.

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suavis la mirandola
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